Our pillars for

effective change

As Neighborhood Heroes Foundation (NHF) reimagines the future of sustainable communities, we envision an archetype that is designed to be interdependent, and once deployed will deliver collective impact. The social challenges that often disenfranchise communities that are rife with promise must be met with counter-intuitive solutions that can be scaled over time.

NHF is excited to introduce the Kaleidoscope Community, the progeny of micro-sustainability. The design build is comprised of a quadrant priority focus (outlined below) that reestablishes social infrastructure and supports present and future Social Equity Activation (SEA) as we pave the way to sustainable futures.

Pave the way for


The focus is to create equitable access to quality education and emerging career pathways, a developing workforce to support the increasing quality job market, and entrepreneurial innovation and small business start-ups and incubations that align with the eccentrics of the community.

Pave the way for

Health & Wellness

The focus is to create equitable health outcomes based on accessible, affordable health care; increasing access to mental health services; increase access to affordable, local, fresh food; remediated toxic environments that compromise air quality and increase environmental health risks, while prioritizing public

Pave the way for


The focus is to create vibrant, safe, and inviting neighborhoods that are complete in services and facilities, affordable, and accessible to all; neighborhoods with identities rooted in local history and culture; and neighborhoods where livability is the product of engaged stakeholders.

Pave the way for

Emerging Leaders

The focus is to ensure the next generation thought leaders have exposure to traditional and non-traditional college and career opportunities, while highlighting emerging markets that can influence future success trajectories and are calling for increased diversity.